A balanced diet can reduce the risk of developing many diseases. Varied and complete meals improve all bodily functions, from physical performance to the cognitive abilities of the brain. In fact, food affects all cells and organs. If at the same time a person is engaged in sports, a healthy diet will contribute to the improvement of indicators and the growth of achievements. At the same time, the growth of processed food production, rapid urbanization and changes in lifestyles have led to a change in nutritional patterns. Today, people eat more foods rich in calories, fat, free sugars, and sodium salt, and many people don’t get enough fruits, vegetables, and other types of fiber, such as whole grains. In an area such as endocrinology, proper nutrition is considered a complete therapy, for example, diabetes mellitus. At the moment, there is nothing better than a balanced diet, this is a fact. Rational nutrition has no time limits, it is a way of life.
Rational nutrition is cheap. Instead of expensive superfoods, you can buy buckwheat, this is also a type of superfood. Finally, rational nutrition is the path to health.
Proteins, fats, carbohydrates: the basics of a rational diet Protein as the basis of a balanced diet. Proteins for the body are the building blocks involved in the formation of all cells. In addition, these organic compounds are responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues, including the brain, produce some hormones and enzymes and help fight toxins. Proteins help control hunger by contributing to the slow rise and fall in blood sugar. This means that protein products are a necessary component of a program to reduce excess weight without harming health. All proteins consist of amino acids, including essential ones, that a person can obtain only with food.
The regulation of fat metabolism in the body is one of the main components of proper nutrition. The main functions of fats are: formation of an energy resource in the body; ensuring the health of hair and skin; assistance in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K; support to the immune system of the body.
Fats differ in their value, depending on their composition. Unsaturated are considered healthy, of which omega-3 and omega-6 have a particular value. The first can be obtained from fish, nuts, seeds, leafy vegetables and soy. The second-from vegetable oils, for example, olive, sunflower, flaxseed. Such acids are not synthesized by the body independently, which means that the consumption of products containing them is an indispensable component of nutrition. The ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 acids, which should be 1: 4, is also of great importance. Proper and healthy nutrition begins with replacing animal fats with healthy vegetable oils. Season salads and all kinds of porridge with olive oil, fry in coconut oil, love avocados and various nuts. However, give up sunflower and rapeseed oils. Eat more fish and seafood. Fatty sea fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for health, and oysters and other seafood are rich in iodine. Remember that a lack of iodine in the diet can alter normal metabolism and lead to increased subcutaneous fat deposition. Omega-3 fatty acids, in turn, are vitally important for proper metabolism and immunity. If your daily diet does not include fish, it is mandatory to take omega-3 in the form of flaxseed oil or fish oil.